The Old Hendon Ex-Serviceman’s Club, 10-12 Heriot Road, Hendon, NW4 2DG.

The Kindergarten follows the EYFS curriculum and ensures that each child makes progress in all the areas of learning:
- Literacy
- Knowledge and understanding of the world.
- Mathematics
- Physical
- Personal, social and emotional development.
- Expressive art and design.
If you would like further information regarding the EYFS curriculum please ask at the Nursery and any member of staff will be happy to help.

Monitoring and Assessments
From the time your child starts at The Kindergarten we keep detailed records to chart their progress and identify any areas where they may require additional help. We record these using set assessment tracking records that enable us to identify areas of learning and ensure that every child is reaching the required goals. These records form and early years profile of your child which follows them through their nursery life. You will be given this profile to take onto reception once your child leaves The Kindergarten.
We provide progress reports three times a year at Easter, Summer and Christmas. We provide Daily Diaries which The Kindergarten complete and send home on a regular basis. We ask that parents participate and help The Kindergarten by completing the diaries and offering feedback where necessary. If you have any concerns at any time you are free to speak to your child’s keyworker.

Get in Touch
Phone us on 020 8202 5687
email us at hello@kindergartennursery.co.uk